Precious Blood launches e-library

By Lonah Kibet

Precious Blood Secondary School, Riruta, has stocked its library with e-books and smart boards making it easy for students to access variety of reading material.

The smart board is an interactive, electronic whiteboard that can enhance instruction and learning. It makes it possible for teachers to create content rich and dynamic lessons.

Captivating students

A model funded by Charles & Rita Field-Marsham Foundation was meant to attract the students’ attention and interest to read widely was used as a pilot study in the school and proved successful, according to the Principal Jacinta Akatsa.

She said e-books would make learning easy and bring the school at par with others worldwide.

The foundation said they expect several products to come up with the e-library.

“Most schools do not provide a wide variety of reading which drives the students away from the library. They dedicate most of the resources to the infrastructure rather than the equipment and materials inside,” Rita said.  She said that a school library should have 60 per cent books related directly to the curriculum. 

“The curriculum is about development and books that will educate the students on leadership, democracy and other aspects of development need to be embraced. This will help make the library a useful component of the syllabus,” Rita said.