The power of the wedding ring

By Oyunga Pala

All my friends tell me of the admiration that follows once they acquire a ring. Women who used to dismiss them as nobodies and exes who shouted at anyone who cared to listen that they would amount to nothing,experience a change of heart.

Single women are drawn to the married guy because they always wanted what other women have. It is a breed of women that specialise in mate poaching. They are not happy, so they see no reason why another woman should be. A married man shows potential to commit. No need to reinvent the wheel the single woman thinks.

With a little tweaking and teasing, those marriageable attributes would find better appreciation in the arms of a mistress.

In sharp contrast, the unmarried male, past 35 playing the dating field, minus a ring on his finger, comes across as really suspect. Women just do not buy the notion that a man can remain single past that age without significant baggage. How is that even possible?

Therefore, if you are a married man past 35 tired of temptation, just lose the ring and state that you are single and searching. You will be surprised by how quickly those needy women avoid you.