How women have killed love by being materialistic

Long gone are days when love was a feeling, a special emotion that sat deep in your heart, you shivered, ached, and even cried hungrily for this man. You’d have chosen him over anything, but that was then.  Money came alongand changed the rules of the game and kicking out all your believed about love.

Long time ago, people depended on marriage to raise their social status. If you were lucky to find a man and get married, you were considered a wealthy woman. Love was sacred and you got married for love. Sex was a heavenly piece of pie enjoyed only in the confines of the marital bed.

Now love is a bound up with our careless desires and wishes for material wealth. We live in a society where we think money will spring up happiness and ‘broke’ love is good as garbage. We have created a mentality that love is money. We dump those dampened by financial woes and find a wealthier partner in a blink of a second.

These days we don’t drown in love, instead live life on the fast lane. We give sexual favours and calculate the material wealth that will accompany our dirty dealings. If you ask me, there is no different between you who wants money from your boyfriend after sleeping with him and the prostitute in the streets.

Most people will argue that unlike those in the streets, you have a heart attachment-you love the man. But the litmus test is: would you still stay around if he wasn’t giving you money or those expensive gifts? Would you stick with him if he lost his job and become financially unstable?

We may reduce the value of love now. We may ignore love, but the world was built by the stones of love. We may seem too comfortable we’re surviving without love, but the truth is we need love more than he needs us.

When war breaks out and breaks our hearts hearts with pain, the healing balm of love carries us through. Love isn’t dead but dangerously bruised, breathing slowly but will raise and walk again.

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