I want him to be the next van Persie, mother of 7kg baby says


By Francis Ontomwa

Busia, Kenya: His mother’s wish is that he grows to be famous, just like his namesake Robin van Persie, who plays for Manchester United football club in England.

But young Robin van Persie Mango, who was born last week in Busia weighing 7kg may not need to grow up to be famous, as he is already.

His name has found a permanent place in the country’s history books.

Mango shocked the world last Tuesday after he was born at Nangina Mission Hospital in Busia.

His mother, Mervin Mango, who hails from a small village in Budalangi, went into labour as normal.

Her first stop was Sirimba dispensary, a small health centre in the neighbourhood.

Good health

Her labour pains were, however, abnormal and the facility could not contain the situation. She was transferred to Nangina, a more equipped facility, where she delivered through caesarean section.

Baby Mango was born late afternoon on Tuesday and he received a clean bill of health from doctors. He had no deformities or medical complications, but doctors were shocked by his weight.

“This was a miracle. I have practised medicine for many years but I have never seen anything like this. It is difficult to explain but we are happy that the new-born is in good health,” says Dr Ben Oriko, CEO Nangina Mission Hospital.

According to doctors, mothers normally deliver babies weighing between 2kg and 3kg.

Mervin, a firm follower of Manchester United, says she wants her son to grow up to be an excellent and extraordinary person, just like the Manchester United player.

“My son is the heaviest in the country. This means that he is not any other child, I want him to become as great as Robin van Persie,” says an elated Mervin.

Dr Oriko says the medical procedure that saw Mervin give birth successfully was intricate but it succeeded.

“When she came in, we took her to theatre and doctors indicated that her chances for survival were 50-50. It was either to save the baby or the mother. I, however, asked doctors to do their best,” Oriko explains.

He says they conducted diabetes tests immediately the baby was born, but the report indicated normalcy.

Mervin, 29, says Mango is her greatest source of joy.

“This was my second pregnancy. All along I knew this could either be twins or even triplets; things were normal and never did I realise anything strange though unlike the first pregnancy, this was heavier,” notes Mervin.

Mango’s grandparents John and Angeline will hold special prayers for the new-born.  “This is a miracle baby; an angel from above. I am lucky and proud to be a grandfather of Kenya’s biggest baby. I want to dedicate him before God and my prayer is that he will live to see his grandchildren,” says the grandfather.

Work for God

His grandmother wants his grandson to end up as a priest when he grows up.

“He has brought me joy. I would love to see him grow up to become a priest. He needs to work for God, who has shown him great love,” observes Angeline. Bringing up baby Mango, however, will not be a walk in the park, according to her mother. She will have to seek alternative sources of milk to supplement breast-feeding.

“His appetite is high. I have already started exploring ways to get alternative milk because I may not manage,” Mervin notes.

She adds that she is planning to visit a nutritionist to recommend the right diet for Mango to enable him remain healthy.