Our Kenyan true colours



Gorgeous girls at Kasarani won the day as the most patriotic on Black Saturday.

They defied the terrorists’ wicked spirit by showing the Kenyan tradition of kindness and tolerance.

Despite a security alert following the raid on Westgate Mall, the young women were not cowed – they went on cheering the tough boys at the Kenya Sevens Rugby tourney.

To show solidarity with the rest of Kenyans shocked by the atrocity of foreign criminals, many young women at the Kasarani event preferred to have their faces painted with the national colours.

Some went further and had their hair plaited with braids of the national flag colours; black, red, green and white.

This week, The Nairobian asks you to share your views on your most memorable patriotic moment during Kenya’s dark week of the Westgate attack.

Send your views to the [email protected] or Twitter: NairobianToday