Former Speaker Kenneth Marende, Boni Khalwale clash over send-off perks for Raila

By Luke Anami and Francis Ontomwa

KENYA: Former Speaker Kenneth Marende and Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale clashed in public over whether or not the government should pay former Prime Minister Raila Odinga the proposed retirement package of Sh80 million.

Dr Khalwale said former MPs, including Mr Odinga, were already earning their retirement benefits under NSSF and should not be paid millions in retirement packages.

He said the retirement perks were an insult to taxpayers.

“I will oppose the proposed Bill when it comes to the floor of the House,” he said.

But Marende, who has been silent lately, spoke up, accusing Khalwale of hoodwinking Kenyans and yet he had participated in the push for implementation of former President Mwai Kibaki’s retirement scheme.

They were speaking at the weekend during the funeral of the brother of former Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo.

As soon as he took the microphone from Khalwale, who was the master of ceremonies at the service, Marende hit out at the senator saying he should stop misleading Kenyans.

If the Bill is passed in its current form, Odinga and former Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka will each get more than Sh80 million.

Deputy President William Ruto is on record asking Members of Parliament to amend the law to lower the proposed retirement perks. 

Ruto said the retirement perks proposed in the Retirements Benefits (Deputy President and Designated State Officers) Bill, 2013, were “extravagant” and ought to be reduced to ensure the wage bill is sustainable.