Chaos rocks Ruto party delegates meeting as Ali, Omar supporters clash

Policemen on guard and several government officers were also caught up in the drama as they joined attendees in fleeing from the chocking smoke.

Before the teargas incident, Omar and Ali were engaged in a bitter exchange over alleged "fake delegates" they said had infiltrated the meeting.

As Omar was ejecting a suspected fake member whom he claimed had forced his way into the hall using fake party tickets, someone hurled teargas at the podium.

It was not clear who lobbed the teargas canister as rivals pointed accusing fingers at each other.

Omar and Ali accused each other's supporters of throwing the teargas in the hall.

The EALA MP said they were pursuing one of Ali's supporters, who had the teargas. "I am 100 per cent sure it was one of Ali's supporters who had the teargas," said Omar.

Omar, who had arrived with UDA party Secretary General Cleophas Malala, was mobbed by his supporters but did not make it to the podium when chaos erupted with opposing camps throwing bottles of water at each other.

Addressing the media after the botched meeting, Malala said the party had started recruiting members and was happy that each politician was doing a good job.

I am not worried about these two factions in the party in Mombasa because this is part of the democracy we want in UDA. We want every UDA politician to recruit his people ahead of the party elections in August," said Malala.

The former Kakamega senator admitted that despite meeting the two politicians on Friday ahead of yesterday's meeting, the two factions appeared not intent on working together.

According to Malala, UDA was a democratic party and had no problem with what he witnessed, terming the chaos as normal in politics.

Party democracy

"As the party's SG, I will remain neutral and that is why I am encouraging the politicians to enroll all their supporters in the party ahead of August party's election," said Malala

Meanwhile, Ali claimed Omar was using his position in UDA to frustrate other politicians in the party.

"I want to tell Hassan Omar to stop using his position to frustrate others having an interest in UDA," said Ali. He claimed that Omar was trying to frustrate him by using his position as UDA vice-chairman but he did not elaborate.

Ali warned Omar against bulldozing things in the party to favour him, saying what happened in the hall yesterday was just a dress rehearsal.

"I am waiting for 2026 to come when I will teach Hassan Omar a lesson he will never forget in his political life," said Ali, who insisted he will be the UDA candidate for Mombasa gubernatorial seat in 2027.

"What you saw at Kenyan Government Institute in Mombasa is democracy at work in UDA which is what President William Ruto wants," said Omar.

He said the party members were exercising their democratic right so that during the party's election, they will elect the right leader.