Why trusting your gut matters

New research shows that when making decisions, intuition can be better than a rational, deliberate approach. It can help you save the much needed time and energy.

Intuition is defined as the ability to process information from the outside world, as well as information within your subconscious mind, from past experiences and knowledge, things you have heard and seen as well as knowledge and information outside your mind and beyond your immediate environment.

Some of the entrepreneurs who have claimed to occasionally use intuition in decision making include Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

“Often you have to rely on intuition. The facts are great, and we need them, but sometimes it boils down to what we feel in our gut. ... Intuitive people can plunge right into a problem and gather facts, but they are also listening to their intuitive senses.” Bill Gates.

According to Forbes, relying on intuition is particularly effective when little data is available for logical decision making.

Remember, you can’t depend on intuition if you don’t have faith and trust in yourself. Trust only develops when you ignore a feeling only to learn the hard way.

Regarding faith, Napoleon Hill says we can transform our desires into action by speaking to our subconscious minds. The subconscious mind will transmute into its physical equivalent, any order given to it in a state of belief or faith that the order will be carried out.

Therefore, if you desire to raise Sh1million to expand your business, all you need to do according to Hill is to repeat the statement “I need Sh1million by the end of this year”. You need to have the faith because “faith is the starting point of accumulation of riches!”