Plan to spend more time with Patty hits wall

By Mami Kamami

Two weeks of being chauffeured to and from work, to the salon, once to a chama meeting, and I could see the veneer slowly crack. Patty’s impatience with each trip was almost palpable, and unfortunately it started putting a strain between us. It’s almost like he resented me for being in his life that much.

I was honestly surprised that he had lasted two weeks with the whole chauffeuring business. Patty is mysterious, always on the go, minds his business and not even giving me a sneak into what happens between his leaving the house and his coming back in the evening. Anyway, how long did I honestly think he would put up with my butting in?

Curt answers

It was normal that I would comment on his phone conversations. Grudgingly he gave scant answers to get me to shut up. Then again, naturally after he dropped me somewhere, I would seek to know his plans for the day so I could try and fix myself somewhere, as conveniently as I could. These answers were even more scant.

"I will pick you up at six," was often the only grunt I received in reply. I was hurt by Patty’s coldness. What was he hiding? A secret family? Unlikely. Mafia business? I just didn’t get it. And what did he think I would do if I got to really be a part of his life? Gossip him to my sisters and friends?

I had decided to get over my playacting and resume my driving. The point of the whole chauffeuring scheme was to get us to spend more time as a couple, not to have Patty build up more walls to protect whatever it is he was hiding. The little relationship we previously enjoyed was worth protecting. And with that I decided that I did not intend to get surprised by Patty. I didn’t want to be one of those women who got derailed by the secrets their men kept. If Patty ever turned out to be anything but the straight business man, husband and father we all thought he was, I would be ready with my own eight figure bank account, furnished house, and car. It was time I convinced him to put the car I drove in my name.

Monday morning and I was not surprised when Patty got up at the crack of dawn, sneakily got prepared for work then before leaving, informed me that he had sent a cab to drop me to work.

Reality check

"Don’t bother," was my muffled reply from beneath the covers. "I think my fear of driving will never compare with my fear of you blacking me out in the car and snapping back at me."

He gave me one curious look, then came over and gave me a peck on my forehead, and he walked out. A minute later I heard him walking out of Kamami’s room.

Well, it seems I would never completely figure out this husband of mine. Just when I thought we had completely pushed him away, he bounced back with enough conviction to keep me holding onto the marriage. May be this was what marriage was all about. May be this was the real deal.