Creativity is the boon of modern management

By Julius Olayo

The old adage that age comes with experience is true, but wisdom and intellect are not always part of the deal. Some are held back by their experience, finding it difficult to adjust to the modern day realities of management.

These realities are part of the reasons why the modern workplace is undergoing a generational change, with older and more seasonal employees ceding ground to managers who are the same age as their children.

These younger managers are typically people who did exceptionally well in their previous positions, used the independence and opportunities awarded to them to grow and encourage the corporate decision makers to promote them.

To them, the title itself is not their strongest credential. Instead, they draw respect from their ability to prove their talent, skill and qualification.

They also feature enormous deposits of ambition and creative energy, and are fresh in their outlook in the everyday managerial positions, unlike older managers.

Chances are also high that these younger managers have high expectations of both job and the organisation.

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For those who find themselves working under a young manager, resist the temptation to prove that you are better than them. This kind of attitude will only make you look unco-operative to fellow employees and other managers.

And all managers, no matter their age, need to let talented members of the team shine. Give your subordinates due credit so that they maximise their abilities. You are their manager not the competitor.

Instead of being threatened by them, you have to encourage them to take full advantage of their potential.

Dr Olayo is deputy director Human Resource and Administration at Kenya Forest Service.