What is in the lyrics of the Music you listen to?
Music forms a large part of the entertainment industry. The art and science of doing music is in itself a formidable industry both locally and internationally. In fact music is...
By John Kalya 7 years ago
What is in the lyrics of the Music you listen to?
The secret of contentment
You have probably heard the analogy (I will contextualize a bit): In primary I was dying to go to high school... Then I was dying to go to campus... Then I was dying to get a job... Then I was dying to get married... Then I was dying to have children... Then I was dying to see my grandchildren... It is now that I realize I forgot to Live...
By John Kalya 7 years ago
The secret of contentment
Why I am a Raila fan not fanatic
Raila has influenced the political arena in indisputable ways. His history has set him up as one of the finest politicians in the continent. He knows his allies and foes. He knows his strengths but is sometimes overwhelmed and this becomes his Achilles heel. What makes him passionately loved and hated in almost the same measure?
By John Kalya 7 years ago
Why I am a Raila fan not fanatic
The awful consequences of a love triangle
Edda is not the first person to find herself in the complicated circumstances of what has become a norm in the society today- love triangles. For starters a love triangle is a romantic relationship that involves three individuals who find themselves woven together in a relationship. Of course, there is at least one party who holds the strings in their hands.
By John Kalya 7 years ago
The awful consequences of a love triangle
48 hours of fun and adventure on a budget
By Jayne Rose Gacheri
1 hr ago
How Obama photographer rescued tourists
By Peter Muiruri
1 hr ago
Ruto pushes House to entrench CDF in law
By Josphat Thiong'o
2 hrs ago