Kalonzo Musyoka under house arrest, Opiyo Wandayi claims

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka. [File, Standard]

Azimio la Umoja co-principal and Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has been under house arrest since Tuesday evening.

Addressing the media on Friday afternoon, the National Assembly Minority leader, Opiyo Wandayi alleged that Kalonzo's freedom of movement has been curtailed.

"We hope that whoever is responsible will desist from the same and allow him to enjoy his liberty and freedom of movement going forward," he said.

While he encouraged their supporters to remain firm and stay committed to the course, Wandayi said that those still under arrest should be released unconditionally.

"We want to encourage our people to remain peaceful wherever they are and abide by the law whether under provocation or not," Wandayi said.

He added that the protests have been successful and businesses being at a standstill is a way of people demonstrating their disappointment at the direction the country is taking.

Wandayi was accompanied by former Ndaragwa MP, Jeremiah Kioni who termed the continued arrests of the Azimio la Umoja leaders as an indication that demonstrations were effective and still going on.

"If they were not hunting us down, it will mean that we have not been effective," Kioni said.

Kioni asked those in authority to allow people to have their freedom and not to curtail it, terming the act unconstitutional.

The three-day demonstrations that end Friday were called by the Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga due to the high cost of living and to advocate for repealing the Finance Act 2023.

The leaders condoled with those families that lost their loved ones during the ongoing demonstrations.