
Make fat profits from adding value to milk

Dairy consumption in Kenya has been increasing, but product trends are moving away from fluid milk to processed dairy products. Consumers are interested in local as well as specialty products.

Farmers and investors have capitalised on an opportunity to market milk and its products such as cheese, ghee, long life milk, yoghurt, ice cream and butter.

The volume of marketed milk increased from 682.3 million litres in 2020 to 801.9 million litres in 2021, according to Economic Survey 2022. Dairy production in 2021 registered a significant growth of 10.8 per cent compared to a negative growth of 6.7 per cent in 2020. The growth was mainly due to increase in production of processed milk.

Production of processed milk and cream increased to 510.5 million litres from 457.9 million litres over the same period. Similarly, the quantities of processed butter and ghee, and cheese increased by 7.1 per cent and 11.6 per cent to 1,025.8 tonnes and 176.4 tonnes, respectively, in 2021.

According to Jane Chebet, there are many reasons for starting a value-added milk business.

"First, it's great for financial sustainability of your dairy and if you have a passion for dairy products it provides a business opportunity for future generations," says Chebet who is a dairy farmer.

Chebet makes mursik, cheese, butter and ghee. She sells her products on order and at the farmers' market. She says there are a wide range of milk and dairy products that can be explored, it all depends on ones capability and interest.

She adds that milk, cheese and yoghurt are naturally full of important nutrients such as calcium and protein. The unique package of vitamins and minerals they provide means these dairy products pack some pretty important health benefits. Here are the main value added products from milk.


To make cheese, you need milk as your main ingredient.

"To make cheese, use good quality fresh whole milk with a low bacteria content. Do not use milk from cows with diseases or colostrum. Use clean equipment."

Reduce the fat content by allowing the milk to stand for about one hour, and then skim off the top layer.

Heat the milk to about 85 degrees celsius to destroy the bacteria present and increase yield through the precipitation of the whey protein (byproduct of the cheese-making process). Dilute lemon juice with an equal quantity of clean water so that the lemon can be distributed uniformly. Add about 30 ml of lemon juice per litre of milk. Stir the milk while carefully adding the lemon juice. The curd precipitates almost immediately. Continue stirring for about three minutes after adding the lemon juice.

Allow the curd to settle for 15 minutes. Separate the curds from the whey by draining through a sieve or a cloth (use a cotton cloth folded twice). While draining the whey, stir the curd to prevent excess matting (coagulation). Add salt to the curd at the rate of about four grammes (about a level tea spoon) per 100ml of curd and mix thoroughly.

"The amount of salt may be varied to cater for different consumer tastes and preferences. Transfer the curd to a mould lined with cheese cloth. The mould may be cylindrical or square and may be made from metal, plastic or wood," explains Chebet.

Cover the curd by folding over the cheese cloth. Fit a clean wooden board, cut to neatly inside the mould, to enable the curd to be pressed.

Press the curd overnight using metal weights placed on top of the wooden shape. Press with twice the weight of the cheese (for every kg of cheese use two kg press). Press for one to two hours then take the cheese out of the mould. Store the cheese as it is or cut it into suitable sizes for sale. Coat the cheese with a thin film of butter to enhance the appearance. Ripen the cheese on clean wooden shelves for at least four weeks at a temperature of 12 to 16C. During the ripening, take the cheese off the shelves every three days, put vinegar on a cloth and wipe the cheese.

"This process prevents growth of fungi. The longer you ripen the cheese the stouter the flavour," says Chebet.

100 grams of cheese cost Sh270 and 250 grams goes for Sh550.


Ghee is 100 per cent butterfat and is derived from butter. It is golden-yellow and carries a nutty aroma. It is prepared by completely separating the fat from the water, milk solids and sugars found in butter.

"What is left is fat-soluble components like amino acids, proteins and fat-soluble vitamins. It is more concentrated than butter since the milk solids have been removed," she says.

While you can find ghee at the supermarket, it can also be made at home by cooking butter slowly over very low heat until it melts. The water begins to separate from the fat and milk solids as (the butter) cooks. Once the water is completely gone, the milk solids will settle to the bottom. You can either stop once the milk solids have settled or continue cooking the butter until the dairy pieces turn light reddish brown, which will give your ghee a rich caramel flavour. After the dairy components have separated, let the mixture cool slightly. Once done, strain the molten ghee through cheesecloth and store it in clean and dry jars. Ghee, is particularly ideal for people who avoid lactose, which is removed during the preparation process. 500 grammes of ghee costs about Sh400.


This is a traditional milk delicacy that is an integral part of the Kalenjin culture and heritage. It is made from fermented milk preserved in gourds lined with specially ground fine charcoal from select trees. This gives it a unique smoky flavour. To give it a twist, sometimes animal blood is added.