Standard Group chief executive: Kabarak was a splendid place to be

Standard Group CEO Orlando Lyomu.

I look back at my life at Moi High School-Kabarak with fond memories. When one looks back it seems like it was just the other day, yet it is more than 20 years since we in the class of '92 said our final hurrahs as we stepped into the real world.

Kabarak threw at us life and all the possibilities one could think of. I couldn't have asked for more. We made the time there quite fruitful and memorable. Besides the academics, there was the extra dose that Kabarak offered the students especially those who dared to stretch the horizon. I was one of those. I dabbled in anything that took my fancy: I was in Debating Club, Boy Scout, Young Farmers Club, President's Awards Scheme, soccer, hockey, badminton and even handball where I gave up soon after.

The diving around was too much for my liking. I also sang in the choir. I won't forget the times in the school drama team with the indefatigable Barnabas Kasigwa. Not to forget the leadership skills I acquired as a school prefect right from Form Two. Though by any measure, relatively freer, Kabarak was a place run by rules.

There was order. Besides all what we learnt and saw, there is no escaping the positive influence of former President Daniel Moi on us. So much about him has rubbed o? on us. Two of them stand out: A stickler for time, Moi also emphasised on the need to care for the welfare of others. It is what made Kabarak such a splendid place to be.