‘Serial witness’ has eight previous convictions

Serial eyewitness has eight criminal cases

The man who appeared as a witness in two high profile crashes in two counties is a criminal with eight previous convictions.

Police say that after fingerprint forensic analysis Daniel Muigai Ngengi has eight previous convictions in all different names.

Ngengi grabbed national limelight by being present at the scene of the Lake Nakuru chopper crash and the crash that killed Nyeri Governor Wahome Gakuru.

He is now being held by the Special Crimes and Investigation Unit after he was arrested in Kiambu County last Thursday.

In the various crimes, he has been accused of stealing, impersonation, assault, obtaining money by false pretense and malicious damage.

Three is no result of trial for all the eight crimes and it appears that the name he is currently using is also an alias.

“The current name he is using “Dennis Muigai Ngengi” appears to be newly acquired alias name amongst many others he using,” says a memo by the Principal Criminal Registrar.

Perviously he has used other names such  as Charles  karanja, Francis Mwaniki, Charles Karanja Mwangi alias Cameroon,  Martin MutangiluWambua alias Kathoka, alex Musyoka and  Martin Githaiga.

Giving eyewitness account, Mr Ngengi identified himself as a state pilot after the helicopter crash and also gave out a blow to blow account of how the late Nyeri Governor’s car crash, then he said he was in car being driven by a police officer.