Millionaire grilled at anti-graft offices on would-be wedding day

Hell has no fury like a tycoon's wife who is about to be ditched. 

There are reports that a tycoon who has earned his millions through the backdoor had grand plans of getting himself a new wife. He had planned the date he was going to see his

He had planned the date he was going to see his prospective inlaws. He had invited his rich friends who were lining up their posh vehicles ready for the big day but the scorned wife had other ideas.

She whispered her husband's dirty business secrets to detectives who pounced on the unsuspecting man on

She whispered her husband's dirty business secrets to detectives who pounced on the unsuspecting man on a material day.

So on the day his everybody was waiting for the tycoon to show up, he was busy recording statements with anti-graft czars explaining the source of his wealth.

As to what5 happened to the angry wife humbled tycoon and the scandalised bride, that is a story for another day.