Police exhume body of Garissa University attack victim wrongly buried in Kitui

Police and villagers exhume body of Garissa University attack victim, Philomena Kasyoka Munyoki, which was wrongly buried in Itiva Nzou village, Kyuso Sub County in Kitui County on 17/10/2015. It followed confirmation that there was mix up in finger prints which saw the family of Peter Munyoki Isombo be given the wrong body believed to be one of the missing student, Risper Kasyoka from Maluma village, Nzambani District in the County. PHOTO: PAUL MUTUA

Kitui, Kenya: Police have exhumed the body of a Garissa University student which had been wrongly buried in Kyuso Sub-County in Kitui County.

This follows police confirmation that there was mix up in finger prints which saw the Kyuso family given the wrong body.

The body buried at the homestead of Peter Munywoki Isombo is believed to be that of Risper Kasyoka from Maluma village, also in Kitui County.

Isombo’s family has been handed another body which had been lying at Chiromo Mortuary since the April terror attack, which tests revealed belonged to Philomena Kasyoka, their daughter.

According to police, the two girls shared a name which led to finger print mix up.

After the body is exhumed, it will be replaced with that of Philomena while that of Risper will be taken to mortuary to await DNA test.

By 12 noon on Saturday, the body of Philomena had not arrived but the family and neighbaours had assembled for the ceremony.

Family members of Garissa University terrorist attack victim Philomena Kasyoka carry the casket with her true body during a re-burial at her parent’s Itiva Nzou home, Kyuso District in Kitui County on 17/10/2015. PHOTO: PAUL MUTUA