Being gorgeous is my weakness, boasts MCA

A female nominated member of the county assembly is quite confident about her looks and does not minding flaunting it.

When it comes to dressing up, Leah Mumo Matere does not take things lightly.

On July 3, during the county assembly proceedings, Majority Leader Elisha Otieno complimented her tasteful fashion sense.

“Keep it up Mumo. Yesterday you looked different but today you look smart,” Otieno told her. An elated Mumo responded,”Thank you. Majority leader has noticed I am smart. It is my weakness. I am always dressed well and for the occasion.”

Her comments left the members in stitches. Sensing her rather boastful response, Otieno responded, “I took my time to check you out. You cannot say that it is your weakness being smart. Yesterday, I saw something totally different.”