Minister, DPP orders for Waititu’s arrest

By Peter Opiyo and Jelimo Chelagat

Internal Security Minister Katoo ole Metito and Director of Public Prosecution Keriako Tobiko have ordered the arrest and prosecution of Embakasi MP Ferdinand Waititu for hate speech and incitement to violence.

The order comes in the wake of condemnation of Waititu’s remarks by a cross section of leaders including TNA party leader Uhuru Kenyatta.

Uhuru condemned Waititu’s ethnically charged comments made on Monday in Kayole and stated that his party is against any utterances and actions that that can be seen as divisive

In a press statement the Deputy Prime Minister said; “TNA, its members and myself are strong advocates of national unity, togetherness, national cohesion and integration.”

Adding that Kenya and Nairobi belongs to all communities, Uhuru called on Waititu to apologize for the remarks he made.

“If Mr Waititu believes in the values and beliefs of TNA, I demand that he apologises to the people of Kenya and the concerned community,” said Uhuru.

Defence Assistant Minister Joseph Nkaiserry condemned Waititu’s remarks and called for his arrest and sacking as Water and Irrigation assistant minister.

He said the remarks are unfortunate and do not augur well especially at a time the country is going to the polls.

“Mr Waititu belongs in jail….in fact he should have been removed from the Cabinet long time ago. What we have in this country is where wrong people occupy leadership positions,” he told journalists at Parliament’s Media Centre.

On Monday one street boy was killed by watchmen in Kayole over claims that he stole a chicken, eliciting protests in the area.

Waititu, who is the area MP, visited the scene and called for the eviction of members of the Maasai community from the area.

Nkaiserry said it was unfortunate to have a leader utter such words, saying Waititu has on many occasions behaved in unruly manner that do not befit the status of a leader but has always gone scot-free.

He criticized the National Cohesion and Integration Commission and the Commissioner of Police for failing to arrest the Embakasi MP yet he made the remarks in the presence of law enforcement officers.

Waititu has expressed interest in being the Nairobi County governor in the next polls, but Nkaiserry said his misdemeanor should be used against him to ensure he does not clinch the seat.