Hydrating your body: Best times to drink water

Staying hydrated is the surest way to ensure that your body runs smoothly.

It is common knowledge that we need to take a minimum of eight glasses of water per day to maintain proper body function. But when is the best time to consume this water?

When you wake up: Starting with a glass of water right after you wake up and before anything else lands in your tummy is perfect.

This will help to wake up internal organs and prepare the body’s systems for what lies ahead. It is like learning how to drive, start slowly then pick up.

Before a meal: Taking a glass of water at least half an hour before a meal will help to prepare the digestive system for the upcoming food. The water also clears leftovers from the past meal, which might still be in your system. It also helps to condition the stomach lining in readiness for any harsh tasting or acidic food, thus avoiding damage to the stomach walls.

After a meal: A glass of water about a half an hour after a meal will aid in digestion since it assists break down the food and also in softening stool, thus avoiding constipation.

Before a workout: It is important to hydrate before you start a workout in order to kick-start the body’s circulation of blood. This is to provide oxygen when it is most needed.

After a workout: During a workout, much of the body’s fluid is used up, mostly through sweat. It is therefore important to rehydrate afterwards, so as to replenish depleted stores and maintain body function.

After episodes of diarrhoea or vomiting: The body loses fluids during this time and it is important to drink water to remain hydrated. However, one should also seek proper medical attention, just in case there is an infection.