The Power of Faith MARK 5:24-35

Our faith in Christ is never in vain. Faith is profitable. Keep holding onto God’s precious promises because the reward of your faith is near. Abraham was commended for his faith in the covenant God. Faith is the title deed for things unseen. Faith opens your eyes to the great resources stocked up for you in the unseen realms (Heb. 11:1, 2).

A woman who had suffered bleeding for 12 years was healed instantaneously when she touched the garment of Jesus by faith (Mark 5:34).

Faith is a powerful key. God honors and rewards faith (Heb. 11:6).

Faith enables you to:

1. See the Unseen

2. Please God

3. Tap into God’s resources

4. Enter Rest

5. Overcome Fear.

The power of faith destroys fear. According to our faith we receive (Math. 8:8). Faith comes by embracing and believing

God’s covenant word. Abraham believed God and he became a father of nations. The enemy (Satan) seeks to sow seeds of doubt and fear so that you don’t enter your inheritance.

The Israelites tarried in the wilderness for 40 years because of fear and doubt.

Your time to enter and possess your covenant blessing is now. Your faith must powerfully grasp what God has in store for you.

Arise and shine.

Pastor Simon