End teenage pregnancy in Kisumu County

Unintended pregnancy is one of the main causes of adolescent girls dropping out of school in Kisumu County. It is estimated that 2 out of 6 girls in Kisumu county drops out of school due to unintended pregnancy. Cases of teenage pregnancy are on the rise in Kisumu County and we have turned a blind eye on this problem.

Teenage pregnancy is a human right violation and is a manifestation of inadequate access to comprehensive sexual education, lack of sexual reproductive health and rights information and services, poverty, gender inequality and the voiceless youth.

Many adolescent girls in Kisumu County have fallen victims to teenage pregnancy and have been forced to abandon their dreams and goals. Being an adolescent girl in Kisumu county means having limited future because of the too many risks that surrounds them.

The underlying causes of for teenage pregnancy in Kisumu County are complex and include issues such as social cultural content that doesn’t support sexual reproductive health and rights, lack of sexual reproductive health and rights services, lack of comprehensive sexual education, gender inequality and poverty.

It is estimated that for every 5 women in Kisumu County, 2 are adolescent girls.  Adolescent girls are among the vulnerable group in the society. They are usually at a higher risk of illness and even death from pregnancy related complications.

There is actually a need for change on how teenage pregnancy is being handled in Kisumu County. Teenage pregnancy is not normal.  No child should bear a child. Adolescent girls are not too young to be in need of sexual reproductive health and rights information and services.

If we really care about the health and future of young girls in this county, we should create a safe environment for them by availing quality sexual reproductive health and rights services and information. I believe that once an adolescent girl is equipped with sexual reproductive health and rights information, she can decide when and whom to have children with,

I also call upon the leaders in Kisumu County to implement policies that revolve around adolescents’ health to the latter. Kenya is known for designing good policies but are poor in implementing them. Policies such as Adolescents Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights policy, Children Act, Youth Friendly Policy among others should be implemented to the latter.