Impact of war on women and girls in Gaza alarming as global bodies call for ceasefire

A woman reacts while holding a pillow as she stands amidst debris outside the site of the Ahli Arab Hospital in central Gaza on Oct. 18, 2023, in the aftermath of an overnight strike. [Via VOA]

Humanitarian Aid

Although humanitarian aid is getting to Gaza, it isn't enough.

UNFPA notes the need for women and girls to urgently access safe shelters, clean water, and food.

"With more than half of Gaza's population displaced, the risk of gender-based violence has also increased exponentially for women and girls who are on the move, seeking refuge in overcrowded shelters, which lack privacy and sanitation facilities," it said.

Global institutions have since appealed for humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza, including the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), and several human rights bodies.

"Lifesaving inputs, such as water, sanitation, food, fuel, and health care, are critical for the survival and well-being of these households. These must be matched with support for women and girls to access safe shelter, protection support, and maternal health care."

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, on Wednesday, October 25 reiterated calls for a ceasefire saying; "Thankfully, some humanitarian relief is finally getting into Gaza. But it is a drop of aid in an ocean of need. The people of Gaza need continuous aid delivery at a level that corresponds to their enormous needs. It must be delivered without restrictions."

His sentiments were echoed by Women Deliver Chief Executive Maliha Khan who noted the need to start peaceful negotiations to ensure justice for Palestinians.

"We unequivocally condemn what the United Nations has called crimes against humanity in Gaza, and the risk of genocide against the Palestinian people," said Khan.

More than 5,000 people have been killed in Gaza since a cross-border violent attack on October 7.