
Uhuru's men chide Ruto over remarks on Judiciary

Former Kiambu Town MP Jude Njomo. [John Karume, Standard]

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta's allies have launched onslaught on President William Ruto over his New Year's remarks against the Judiciary.

The leaders who represented Uhuru at Jesus Christ Compassion Ministries (JCM) on New Year Eve claimed that the President's remarks are aimed at curtailing the independence of the Judiciary.

Ruto in his New Year speech, took a swipe at the Judiciary for making decisions against government policies at the expense of the public interest.

The Head of State was referring to the Judiciary's move to declare unconstitutional, the housing levy and issuance of conservatory orders against the implementation of three health Acts pending the determination of a petition.

While maintaining that there was nothing wrong with challenging policy and holding government to account, he said the opposition and the two arms of government (Legislature and Judiciary) had a duty to make sure the best ideas prevail in enhancing the well-being of the people on whose behalf the government acts.

"In the quest to uphold constitutionalism, exercise institutional independence and protect people's rights, caution must be taken not to dent the very people legitimate opportunities like owning homes or accessing healthcare," the Head of State said.

But Uhuru's allies led by Former MPs Jude Njomo (Kiambu Town), Peter Mwathi (Limuru) and Jubilee party Deputy Secretary General in charge of Operations Pauline Njoroge claimed the President's remarks were informed by his motive of gagging the independent institutions.

"He is known to gag institutions and wants to silence them through threats and intimidation. He wants to rule with an iron fist and we shall remain steadfast in protecting the sovereignty of our constitution," Mwathi said.

The former lawmakers maintained that the housing levy, the health Act and the increment of fuel taxes were the reasons behind the high cost of living and vowed to accelerate their opposition in Mt Kenya region against the Kenya Kwanza administration.

"We will go to churches, funerals and every available gathering to tell our people the truth. We will not be gagged and will shall remind the the President that he has betrayed the very hustlers that he used to ride to power," Mwathi added.

He said the Kenya Kwanza administration policies were oppressive to mwananchi and the housing levy and the fuel taxes need to be scrapped.

"The mama mboga and the boda boda operators are on their own. They have been thrown under the bus. We shall however continue delivering Uhuru's message of empathy to our people across the region," the former MP said.

Ruto however in his address, lauded the housing programme as one that will enable mama mboga and boda boda riders to own houses at 3 per cent interest in a Sh4000-a-month tenant purchase scheme.

But the former MPs accused Ruto of using lies to take over power only for him to turn his back on hustlers.

"The programs are aimed at messing our economy. Parliament has gone to bed with the Executive and it has abdicated its role of supervising the Executive and because of that parastatals are being sold like mandazis," claimed Njomo.

He further accused Kenya Kwanza of being an escapist government instead of exhibiting prudent leadership to Kenyans.

"This is not the first time the government is changing hands. We were still here during Mwai Kibaki's time and we saw him put in place measures that changed the economy. The policies that have been put on place will worsen our economy," Njomo said.

He said despite 'threats and intimidation to silence them, they will continue piling pressure on the government to revive the stalled projects especially in Mt Kenya.

"Our roads have stalled the dreams of our young men and women are dead, we must stand with our people to criticize this administration," he said.

Njoroge claimed that there have been efforts to silence the Jubilee Party so that Mt Kenya region lacks a political outfit saying they have joined efforts to reclaim it from their adversaries.

"We must have our political outfit that we call our own so that we can increase our bargaining power in future," she said.

She said that the unity of Mt Kenya region was paramount to give them power to point out things that are going south.

The leaders attended the service a month after Uhuru addressed faithful through a phone call and contributed Sh1 million to help the church buy food for the hungry people.

The former President while addressing faithful through Bishop; Benson Gathungu alias Muthee Kiengei promised to visit the church but instead, sent his allies to deliver his New Year message.

However during New Year's eve, some youths tried to boo the former leaders in an attempt to stop them from addressing faithful.

Uhuru since late last year has been sending his allies to deliver his message of empathy to the suffering Kenyans.

Last month over 500 grassroots leaders converged at Kiambu High School where they resolved to establish anti-government messaging to the Mt Kenya region.

The meeting came after Uhuru met the former legislators and challenged them to stand with their people by opposing the 'oppressive policies of the Kenya Kwanza government.

"Always stand for the truth. I stood with my truth and opted for Raila because I knew him. People's representatives should provide leadership instead of being dictated by the wave," he told the leaders last month.

The former president said he has been receiving calls from his friends informing him how businesses have been closed down.

"Even when you are intimidated stand by the truth if you don't oppose bad leadership you will still suffer by its policies," he reportedly told the leaders.