Embrace teamwork, Mudavadi to civil servants

The Prime Cabinet Secretary was speaking when he hosted chairpersons and vice chairpersons of the five sectors of the National Development Implementation Committee (NDIC) in Nairobi, yesterday.

The committee comprises Principal Secretaries.

"As senior ranks of the executive you need to identify key priority projects, programmes, and policies and align them to the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (Beta)," he said.

Mudavadi reiterated the government's commitment to service delivery saying no one will be allowed to derail the same.

"We have to pull everybody on board and help each other to navigate towards a common goal and eliminate bottlenecks that hinder efficient and effective service delivery to Kenyans," he said.

He said the Kenya Kwanza election promises must be fulfilled as the goodwill from Kenyans is limited.

"We are at the service of Kenyans and all we need to do is support the government development projects, programmes, and policies throughout the delivery cycle," said Mudavadi.

Mudavadi advised PSs to cascade governments' plans and ensure implementation at all levels to achieve its targets.

The meeting came a day after President William Ruto read the riot act to senior government officials on service delivery.

Mudavadi said the focus is on unlocking the huge potential that lies in the public sector emphasising that consultations and partnerships across the board will be key.

"The government remains resolute in its commitment to ensure performance and delivery, as these are the very pillars on which our existence rests - to serve the citizens and uphold the national interest. The government aims to streamline our development initiatives and ensure a seamless implementation of vital projects that will positively impact the lives of every citizen," he said.

The Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary has developed guidelines on the framework for the coordination and supervision of government business across ministries, State departments, and agencies.

The guidelines outline the structures of operation and roles of members in coordinating government business.