'We will hold protests three days a week', says Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna

Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna. [Edward Kiplimo, Standard]

Azimio la Umoja coalition is looking at holding the anti-government protests three times in a week, Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna has said.

Sifuna, in an interview with Citizen TV on Thursday morning, suggested that the protests set for every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will commence next week.

The objective, according to Sifuna, is to exert pressure on the Kenya Kwanza administration to lower the cost of living.
The lawmaker accused President William Ruto of disregarding the pleas of Kenyans to address the high cost of living, which has greatly affected numerous households.

"Starting from next Monday, we will initiate protests based on the feedback we have received from Kenyans who have expressed that the scheduled demonstrations are sometimes inconvenient for them, and we want them to participate," said Sifuna.

"Therefore, we are introducing shifts. If you are available on Monday, join us for the demonstration. Similarly, those available on Tuesday and Wednesday can participate on those days. However, for those who can attend every day, we will hold protests on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday until the government heeds our demands," he added.

The Nairobi Senator further likened Kenya Kwanza's refusal to heed to their call as falling on deaf ears.

During the Wednesday protests, three people lost their lives, and many others were injured.

Sifuna accused the government of using thugs to disrupt peaceful demonstrations, resulting in the indiscriminate shooting and killing of innocent civilians.

Speaking on Wednesday, Azimio chief Raila Odinga expressed regret that the otherwise peaceful protests had been marred by injuries and possible deaths in various parts of the country.

He accused the police of shooting, injuring, and killing protesters, including in Nairobi.
He alleged that the Azimio crew, who had been sent to set up the stage at Kamukunji grounds, were attacked, and their equipment damaged. Some were arrested.

"Scores of protesters have been arrested for participating in an exercise that is clearly protected by the Constitution. As usual, it is the police maiming and killing people. Slowly, our country is degenerating into a police state. We must not allow this to happen again," said Odinga.