Pauline Njoroge writes what she likes and you can't do anything about it

Blogger Pauline Njoroge. [File, Standard]

We're living in strange times, yet again, when folks in vehicles with foreign registration can arrive at your doorstep and brandish a gun or two in your face, before they throw you into a waiting vehicle.

Your friends and family will agonise for days before you surface in a courtroom looking subdued and in pain, after a severe beating.

Reason: You are a victim of state abduction and torture - the sort of things we thought was a thing of the past since the 2010 Constitution was promulgated.

The latest victim is a comely lady by the name of Pauline Njoroge, a digital warrior who takes no hostages.

She writes as she likes (the line is stolen from Steve Biko's posthumous essay collection), but that doesn't mean Njoroge is a high-minded activist. I must confess, without sounding patronising that she has a mass of beautiful hair. I have only seen it from afar, so it must be even more beautiful at close range.

Given my admiration for the said, comely lady, you can imagine my indignation when I read about her alleged abduction by State agents and arraignment in court for a raft of charges, including an incredulous one about possessing bangi.

People who smoke bangi don't always remember to tidy up their hair the way Njoroge does. So, those hellbent on tarnishing her reputation or putting her behind bars should find more intelligent ways of doing it.

And they better be warned Pauline Njoroge doesn't just have pretty hair and all that; she's willing to fight a good fight, so they won't ambush her and send her to jail, just because they don't like what she writes.