Relief for ECDE teachers as county offers them permanent employment

Siaya governor James Orengo. [File, Standard]

At least 602 Early Childhood Education Centres (ECDE) teachers in Siaya have a reason to smile after the county hired them on permanent and pensionable terms.

The teachers have been working under poor conditions for a long time even as they pushed for improved terms of employment.

On Tuesday, area governor James Orengo's administration handed the teachers, drawn from all the six sub-counties, their new contracts.

The governor had promised to hire the ECDE tutors on permanent and pensionable terms.

"The new arrangement now offers the teachers better terms of service based on their qualifications," Orengo said.

In the previous engagement, all the teachers were entitled to a uniform pay of Sh22,626 irrespective of qualifications. But now, all certificate holders will be paid a gross monthly salary of Sh23, 853 while diploma holders will get Sh33,906. Degree holders will earn a monthly gross salary of Sh43,470 per month.

Orengo, who spoke when he issued the teachers with their appointment letters, said this was a major milestone for the tutors and is expected to motivate them for optimum performance.

"My administration will also continue improving their working environment by putting up more infrastructure in our learning institutions," he said.