Visit by British royals to strengthen relations with Kenya- Embassy

Royal Family.[Instagram]

The two are expected to meet President William Ruto, First Lady Rachel Ruto, and government officials, among others.

They will visit Nairobi and Mombasa counties.

The two will also tour a new museum dedicated to Kenya's history and will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior at Uhuru Gardens, as well as visit the site of the declaration of Kenya's independence in 1963.

King Charles and Queen Camilla will also attend an event to celebrate the life and work of the late Nobel Laureate Prof Wangari Maathai. They will be joined by Prof Wangari's daughter, Wanjira Mathai, at the celebration.

His Majesty will then attend a technology showcase meeting of Kenyan entrepreneurs who are driving forward innovation in the country's tech sector.

The queen on the other hand will meet survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.

This is King Charles III's first visit to a Commonwealth nation since his coronation.