President William Ruto awards sportsmen at State House, Nairobi

President William Ruto and school football star Adrine Kibet.[Stafford Ondego, Standard]

The event also saw the launching of Talanta Plaza, the official sports house for the sports department under the Ministry of Sports.

According to Ruto, having everything under one roof will help manage and cater to the needs of sportsmen in the country with ease.

"This is the new home for sports promotion. This building brings together all the ministry staff in one room which will promote collaboration and facilitate a constant exchange of ideas and knowledge across the ministry," said the Head of State.

The ceremony comes weeks after the Sports Cabinet Secretary was accused of neglecting sportsmen and the Ministry at large.

Responding to issues raised by Members of Parliament, Namwamba said that he has never neglected his duties as the CS and will continue to support talents in the country no matter what.