Shape up or leave the country, Ruto to corrupt state officers

President William Ruto is pictured during the 8th Devolution Conference in Eldoret. [PCS]

President William Ruto has issued a stern warning to corrupt officials in his administration over their involvement in graft cases.

Ruto, while addressing Kiambu residents on Thursday, August 17, said that his government will not harbor corrupt leaders who are misusing public funds.

"I want to promise you that we will not allow corruption to thrive in this government. For all those who are corrupt, I want to let them know that they only have two options; either change or leave the country for good. Corrupt individuals have no room in this government," said Ruto.

The president called on Kenyans to efficiently pay taxes, reiterating that he will stand firm in whipping out corrupt individuals.

"When I was sworn in at Kasarani, I was given a bible and a sword that is supposed to help me cut off those corrupt individuals. When you pay taxes, and if your taxes are stolen through corruption then ask me..." he added.

His remarks come a day after Uasin Gishu Senator, Jackson Mandago was arrested to face theft charges in the Finland scholarship programme scandal.

The president, commenting on the same promised that any leader implicated in the scandal will be held accountable.

"We shall treat corruption at all levels of government as a high-priority law enforcement issue requiring an expeditious and decisive response. Regardless of position, office, or status, any person implicated in the loss of public funds must encounter the punitive consequences of their actions. It is not going to be business as usual," Ruto said at the 8th devolution conference in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu.