Amnesty International Kenya condemns police for using force against protestors

Amnesty International Kenya Executive Director Irungu Houghton. [File, Standard]

Amnesty International Kenya has condemned the continued use of unlawful force against protestors druing the anti-government demonstrations.

In a press statement dated July 20, the body says that police have been using unnecessary force that includes lethal force hence leading to increased deaths and injuries to both adults and children.

Through its Executive Director Irungu Houghton, Amnesty International also stated that since March this year, at least 30 people who were protestors have been killed by police.

"They include March 20th and 27th protests (12), Saba Saba protest (12) and yesterday's July 19th (6). The deaths have been attributed to suffocation from tear gas and lethal shootings," the statement read in part.

At the same time, Irungu weighed on the use of arbitrary arrests and detention of some of the protestors castigating police for indiscriminate and disproportionate use of tear gas and water cannons, and other serious rights violations.

"We call for an immediate stop to violent policing and criminalising of protests by the state. We demand urgent investigations and prosecution of police officers and their commanders for excessive use of force," the statement added.

Amnesty International is now calling on speedy investigations into the matter by the Independent Policing Oversight Authority and the Director of Public Prosecutions.
The Inspector General of the Police, and the Interior Ministry.

Moreover, Irungu has urged the relevant authorities to ensure that police officers are identifiable by uniform or number badges to avoid abuse of power and for transparency and accountability.