New alliances take shape ahead of 2022
Ruto and Gideon Moi crisscross the country to bolster their support bases as Kalonzo fights internal dissent in Wiper Party.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 5 years ago
New alliances take shape ahead of 2022
Is Handshake a two-people affair?
Opinion divided over impact of truce on Kenya’s economy and political landscape.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 5 years ago
Is Handshake a two-people affair?
Raila party proposes new power structure
Opposition party wants more executive positions created to shift attention from presidency, which, it says, has become a trophy for ethnic competition
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 5 years ago
Raila party proposes new power structure
Uhuru and Raila to tour Nyanza this week
Leaders expected to launch development projects in five counties, and also preach peace.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 5 years ago
Uhuru and Raila to tour Nyanza this week
Ruto allies: 'Lifestyle audit targeting our man'
They claim the lifestyle audit being proposed for public servants was pure witch-hunt, targeting a specific person.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 5 years ago
Ruto allies: 'Lifestyle audit targeting our man'
Amending the Constitution is unstoppable, MPs tell DP Ruto
Leaders allied to the Orange party have told Deputy President William Ruto that amending the Constitution was inevitable.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 6 years ago
Amending the Constitution is unstoppable, MPs tell DP Ruto
Politics of broken promises and dashed MoUs
On the morning of January 3, 2008, at the height of the post-election violence, four MPs met in an office on the 6th floor of Harambee House, for talk
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 6 years ago
Politics of broken promises and dashed MoUs
‘Luhya party’ tag is propaganda, says Mudavadi
Amani National Congress party leader Musalia Mudavadi has denied that he is pushing for a ‘Luhya party.’
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 6 years ago
‘Luhya party’ tag is propaganda, says Mudavadi
Unveiling Raila’s swearing-in ceremony
The oath that took one minute and 15 seconds was administered by lawyer TJ Kajwang, who is also the Ruaraka Member of Parliament.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 6 years ago
Unveiling Raila’s swearing-in ceremony
Schools ignore Matiang’i directive, charge extra fees
Matiang’i had said Form Ones would not buy textbooks as State capitation for students had been increased
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 6 years ago
Schools ignore Matiang’i directive, charge extra fees
US pollster shows a possible run-off
A new poll suggests that National Super Alliance candidate Raila Odinga has a slim lead over President Uhuru Kenyatta but not enough to secure a first-round victory.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 6 years ago
US pollster shows a possible run-off
NASA storms Jubilee strongholds
The Opposition alliance will today begin a vote-hunting mission in parts of Rift Valley, upper Eastern and Central regions.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 6 years ago
NASA storms Jubilee strongholds
Once again, NASA principals fail to meet
NASA principals Raila Odinga (ODM), Musalia Mudavadi (Amani), Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), and Moses Wetang'ula (Ford Kenya) were expected to meet for three days at the Coast starting to pick the joint presidential candidate for the August 8 elections.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 7 years ago
Once again, NASA principals fail to meet
NASA's power-sharing formula ready
The Opposition coalition is this week expected to submit to the electoral commission its power-sharing agreement and method of nominating its candidates.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 7 years ago
NASA's power-sharing formula ready
Why 2017 could be a do-or-die year for civil servants joining politics
2017 could be a do-or-die year for public servants and parastatal officials who have expressed interest in various elective posts.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 7 years ago
Why 2017 could be a do-or-die year for civil servants joining politics
Fresh ODM elections team warns over chaos
ODM leader Raila Odinga stepped up his party's preparations for next year's elections by naming a team to conduct its nominations.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 7 years ago
Fresh ODM elections team warns over chaos
South Sudan envoy dismisses rumour on Machar killing
Reacting to the social media rumour, South Sudan’s Ambassador to Kenya Jimmy Deng Makuach dismissed the information as propaganda by Machar’s supporters.
By Protus Onyango and Rawlings Otieno 7 years ago
South Sudan envoy dismisses rumour on Machar killing
Slaying the 'killer in the kitchen'
Health & Science
By Caroline Chebet
1 hr ago
Poor urban planning at the heart of severe floods in cities
Environment & Climate
By Caroline Chebet
1 hr ago
Gachagua in yet another tiff over military chopper
By Ndung’u Gachane
1 hr ago