Digital literacy means more innovation
There are a few things that set us apart as a country. Never mind a majority of us not being good long-distance runners; we get to bask in the glorious legacy that our athletes have built in marathons and such like games. Another thing that sets us apart is our technological prowess.
By Jessica Anjalo 7 years ago
Digital literacy means more innovation
LAPSSET transforming lives in North Eastern
A little over a decade ago, a classmate in High School described how the road to his Moyale home looked like. In his words, there were only pockets of hamlets across the not so road-looking path they traveled on from Isiolo to Moyale.
By Jessica Anjalo 7 years ago
LAPSSET transforming lives in North Eastern
Kenya turning a new page in war on graft
I felt greatly mortified reading an opinion piece that recently appeared in the New York Times. “Kenya’s Gold Medal for Corruption”, read the article’s headline.
By Jessica Anjalo 7 years ago
Kenya turning a new page in war on graft
Dark day that shone bright light on police
These officers that we like to malign kept my father’s belongings safe. His documents, wallet, cash, mobile phone and even the food he was bringing home to us from our grandmother.
By Jessica Anjalo 7 years ago
Dark day that shone bright light on police
Here's how to attract the right man
By Chris Hart
28 mins ago
All-women teams take on Rhino Charge challenge
By Kipsang Joseph
6 hrs ago
Tribes should talk often, it's an eye-opener
By Mark Oloo
6 hrs ago
Why lions invade Rongai despite plenty of food
By Lynet Otieno
6 hrs ago
Entrepreneurs to be trained on cybersecurity
By Jennifer Anyango
6 hrs ago