DCI arrest teacher over fake CRE papers

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has arrested a teacher for allegedly selling fake Christian Religious Education (CRE) papers for forthcoming primary and secondary national examinations

Nicholas Ngumbau Kalewa, alias 'Mr. Examiner', is a teacher at St. Lilian Academy in Gikambura village, Kiambu County.

The 23-year-old allegedly opened over 10 WhatsApp and Telegram accounts where he was hawking them.

DCI alleges that Kalewa sold each examination paper at Sh1,500 or Sh2,000 if it came complete with its marking scheme.

The investigative agency said that the groups had more than 900 members and Kalewa had cautioned them "not to introduce other matters, as he was busy attending to those willing to buy".

"'Avoid many stories in my inbox I have many clients,' said the religious education teacher in one of his curt responses seen by detectives," DCI said on their X handle.

He allegedly claimed to be the only person in possession of legitimate KCSE and KCPE papers telling his members to be wary of scammers.

He was arrested after DCI investigators successfully infiltrated the groups and posed as students seeking to by the papers.

"A manhunt for the suspect immediately followed leading to his arrest in Gikambura village, Kiambu County, where several SIM cards believed to be used in the fraud were also found in his possession," says DCI on X.

The Mohammed Amin-led agency said that together with The Ministry of Education, and the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) they have put in place mechanisms to uphold the integrity of and to avoid cases of irregularities.