No rift over office allocation, says Public Service CS Moses Kuria

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria. [Wilberforce Okwiri, Standard]

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has denied any conflict with Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi over the allocation of office space.

He said that the media reports suggesting a tug-of-war between them were false and misleading.

In a message posted on his X account on Sunday, October 15, Kuria said that he and Mudavadi will continue to operate from their respective offices as per Executive Order Number 1 of 2023.

He said that he will be based at Harambee House, while Mudavadi will remain at the Railways Headquarters.

"Contrary to media reports today, there is absolutely no tug of war between myself and my senior and close friend Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi. The PCs will continue operating from Railways Headquarters and myself from Harambee House," said Kuria.

"Principal Secretary for Performance and Delivery Management Veronicah Nduva will also be based at Harambee House to oversee Government Delivery Services, Performance Contracting, State Corporations Advisory Committee and Inspectorate of State Corporations as per Executive Order Number 1 of 2023," he added.

His statement came after the Head of Public Service Felix Koskei made adjustments to the physical addresses of ministries and state departments on Friday.

Koskei said that the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary and the Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs had been designated to the Old Treasury Building Harambee Avenue.

However, Mudavadi also issued a statement on Facebook, clarifying that his office will not move from the Railways Headquarters.

He said that the notification by Koskei was only meant to designate the ministerial head office for his ministry.

"For the avoidance of doubt, the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs remains at the Railways Headquarters," Mudavadi said.

According to Koskei, Kuria had been assigned an office at the Kenya Railways Headquarters off Haile Selassie Avenue.

Kuria was previously based at the Two Rivers shopping Mall in Ruaka while serving as the Trade Cabinet Secretary.