How to get quality sleep (Photo: iStock)

Every human being needs enough hours of rest every night to function properly. Some people can survive on six hours of sleep, while others need a full eight hours. But either way, we recognize that sleep is a vital part of our well-being.

Although the expectation is that you will get good quality sleep every night, it doesn't always happen. There is a difference between high-quality sleep and that which just helps us function at the bare minimum.

So, for you to get better rest every night, if possible, here are a couple of tips you should put into practice:

Start winding down earlier

If you're used to going to bed at one in the morning or later, then your body will adjust to that routine. And most of that pre-bedtime period is probably spent watching something interesting or scrolling through social media until you feel sleepy.


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Doing this every day will affect your productivity and possibly even cause some health problems in the long run. What you need to do is start dimming the lights early and put the devices away on time so that your body starts to adjust.

Complete your daily to-do list

Every day, we have those things we want to achieve. This could be running errands, preparing meals for the week or even calling a relative.

Whatever it is you need to do, make an effort to complete each task if possible. When you know you've been procrastinating or giving a level of effort that doesn't suffice, you might feel anxious when going to bed.

That anxiety will keep you up longer than you need to be and maybe wake you up too early. Doing your best every day can fix that and help you have well-deserved rest.

Make wise meal choices before bed

What you eat before bed also matters. Certain foods, including some healthy ones, should be left for breakfast or lunchtime meals.

Options like caffeinated drinks, alcohol and heavy meals are never good choices before bed because they can affect your sleep. Plan your meal choices well throughout the day so that you don't experience problems when it's time for bed.

Create a sleep schedule

A sleep schedule is also a great way to help you stay on track. This can be hard to do because most people wouldn't want to be confined to a bedtime schedule but, it could really change your sleep quality.

Once you figure out a good schedule, your body will slowly adjust. It will know that at a certain time, you need to be asleep.

Be consistent

The greatest gem in all of this is to be consistent. These steps seem simple but they're actually challenging especially if you've been having poor bedtime habits for years.

For you to get to that point where you're getting the sleep you need, take small steps every day and don't quit. Be aware when you're tempted to fall back into your old ways and stay firm because your mind and body will thank you for staying committed.

Healthy Living Quality Sleep Living