Anne Hathaway opens up about five years of sobriety (Photo: Getty Images)

Actress Anne Hathaway says she has been sober for more than five years. Hathaway spoke about her decision in a recent interview with The New York Times.

Hathaway said she is proud of this accomplishment and sees it as a major milestone in her life. She said she decided to quit drinking after realizing she didn't like the way it affected her ability to be there for her sons in the mornings.

"I don't normally talk about it, but I am over five years sober," Hathaway said. "That feels like a milestone to me."

This isn't the first time Hathaway has spoken about her sobriety. She credits her decision to quit drinking to wanting to be fully present for her sons.

"I'm gonna stop drinking while my son's living in my house," she explained in a 2019 appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. "I did one school run one day where I dropped him off at school, I wasn't driving, but I was hungover and that was enough for me. I didn't love that one."

Later that year, she elaborated on her decision, saying she wasn't quitting because of a drinking problem, but because she didn't like the hangovers. She said she might start drinking again someday when her life allows for hangovers, but not until her kids are grown.


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"I didn't put [a drink] down because my drinking was a problem; I put it down because the way I drink leads me to have hangovers and those were the problem, “she told Modern Luxury in 2019.

"My last hangover lasted for five days. When I'm at a stage in my life where there is enough space for me to have a hangover, I'll start drinking again, but that won't be until my kid is out of the house."