Pokot youths using Facebook for dirty politics

I have long eluded to weigh-in on the disdainful remarks and literary imbroglio in a Facebook political page in Pokot County called Pokot Spot-Ketecha korenyo.

It is shocking how some leaders, held in high esteem, have chosen to reduce themselves by engaging in abuses with their electorate. They have become masters of hate, incitement and planters of discord and disunity.

These separatist kings have found every reason to bury logic and glorify reductionist ethnic effrontery, guided by self-styled conceit.

While all the commentary on their injudicious remarks may make the participants on the page feel the buoyancy of an uncommon national attention, they must not consider that as brilliant and as part of nationhood.

They must know that our forefathers never harboured bad will for this county like they do. If they had, we would not have any sense of liberty in Kenya.

Youths who are used to causing mayhem, havoc and discord should spend time developing themselves and not concentrate on mudslinging political cyber-crimes that may make their future dim and unknown.

To use language and position to classify and profile sections of a nation is to strive to oppress them, demean them, skin them and reduce them into mash in the race of time.

{Samuel Lopuo, West Pokot}