A letter to the below average student

I understand at this moment you are feeling like you are a failure after the just released results. With celebrations and praises of those who scored high, you are probably feeling left out.

It is normal to feel sad, but take it easy. That was their strength. You have yours too. Abilities and greatness cannot be limited to five papers in three days. You are better than that.

It is not your fault that the education system fails to recognize your special abilities. I once passed through the same system. They celebrated my topping the school list then. Many moons later, there are many who were at the bottom of the list who are doing so so much better than me. You see the drift? High marks is not always equal to high success.

Move forward with confidence. Chase your passions. Albert Einstein once said, “everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid”.

Be that great musician; sing your heart out, be that celebrated artist; wow us with your creativity. Be that successful entrepreneur. Do that which you love. You will surprise yourself with how great you will be.

Life is not a linear path - a one fits all. We all have our own unique paths and time zones. Ignore the outer negative voices and listen to your inner voice. The biggest loss is to lose yourself. Dare take that less traveled path. Dare be great in whatever you pursue.

Be glad for what you got, this is just but a beginning. Opportunities to shine lay ahead. Your strengths may not be in books but they lay else where. Find them, pursue them, shine in them.