
I was young and curious about dating in campo, but most of my relationships ended after a few months

Which campus did you study in?
I went to Kenya Institute of Management for a course in Business Management.

Favorite/worst unit?
Business law was all fun and interesting for me. I enjoyed every bit of it from how the lecturer presented the concepts to how exams were set. However, financial accounting was my worst. I would leave lecture halls without recalling a thing.

Best/worst lecturer?
My business law lecturer was the best. He made classes interesting and he also ensured that we had simple assignments. On the other hand, our accounting information systems lecturer made my stay in campus miserable. He was extra tough.

How was life on campus generally?
It was the best time of my life. I enjoyed every part of my campus life. The freedom that came with being away from home made me a better manager of my life. I did mistakes but I managed to learn from them.

How did you make money in campus?
I used to sell suits to my fellow comrades. This was because of how well-dressed I was. Luckily, my inspiration to start up my own fashion design sprouted here. I wanted to serve more people apart from comrades. I also did TV and billboard adverts where I would make thousands of money.

How was dating like in campus?
It was all trial and error. What drove me to dating was all about the spirit of exploring. I was young and curious and I found myself trying out to see whether it could work out. Unfortunately, most of my relationships ended few months later.

What do you think about campus relationships?
Majority of these relationships do not make it any far. This is because they are based on fantasy rather than reality. When entitlement is involved things fall apart.

Where did you spend most of your campus weekends and what would you do?
I would visit the best clubs in town and party. This was my stress reliever after a week in school. Being a model, I would also take part in auditions, majority of which happened over the weekends. I also trained upcoming models.

What did you do with your free time?
I would set time to run errands for my uncle in town. I devoted my time to engage in family duties since he was always there for me when I needed him.

Classmates you will never forget and why?
I didn’t manage to make friends while I was in school. I am an introvert and I wasn’t so good at making friends though I interacted with my classmates well whenever we met.

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Campus years