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Winnie Kiiru (R), Chairperson friends of Karura with Emanuel Mayiani (L) Community Forest Association (CFA) chairman speaking on the Forest Conservation and Management Amendment Bill 2021. [Wilberforce Okwiri, Standard]
Communities living adjacent to forest resources have urged President Uhuru Kenyatta not to accept changes to forest laws.
Friends of Karura Chairperson Winnie Kiiru said Community Forest Association (CFA) will be irrelevant if president signs bill into law. There are about 255 CFAs registered by Kenya Forerst Service (KFS).
"The CFAs participate fully in forest protection. If the proposed amendments are allowed, they will be irrelevant," said Kiiru.
She spoke in Nairobi after a meeting on Save the Tsavo Restoration Programme. Kiiru said they will fight the changes to the end.
The CFAs addressed the press in Nairobi. The Forest Conservation and Management (Amendment) Bill 2021 seeks to repeal the section that protects forests from activities that may endanger rare and threatened species.
The Bill proposes to allow any person to petition the National Assembly for variation of boundaries and revocation of registration of a State forest or a portion of the forest. Representatives from Karura, Ngong hills, Ngong road, Loitoktok and Namanga were present.