Inferiority complex conceived in a person leads to psychological torture and commission

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One left wondering whether the perpetrators of atrocities in our midst belong in a different violent world of humanity where the law of the jungle applies.

It is said a kind person can commit acts of cruelty while a cruel one can do kind things to a person. Hence, there is no limit to the incredible range of human emotions.

Dr Jekyll and Hyde is a phrase verb but shades light on changing human character. At one point is one is behaving this way at another very different from the preceded behavior.

I look at youths and elderly and find out that it is homogenous in the way they act and behave. From suicide, homicide in homes to people with right mental capacity to those using drugs as a crutch, to ethnic hatred and cannot understand why the entire moral catastrophe has engulfed the society. I tend to think that our moral fabric is woven on religious ground. However, our diversity of culture has made us move away from it. Guidelines in our day-to-day activities, starting from household, look archaic and impractical to our very own off springs.

Moreover, the six million dollar question is - where does society’s influence end and personal responsibility start? The negative attitude that influences our inhumane, despicable and obnoxious tendencies does not appear out of blue, they owe their existence to some cause.

To begin with, recently there was a case of a female head teacher of secondary school in central that after a minor quarrel with her husband, allegedly murdered him. Her husband disappeared and was found dead, a couple found hanging on the rafters of their house in the same region. A child was born and dumped in a pit latrine in Nairobi, few months ago an infant was found wrapped and dumped dead in a garbage in Mtwapa. A woman stage-managed the death of her daughter in order for the society to be sympathetic to her and extend monetary favors in Kisumu. Therefore, the statistics of atrocities run the whole gamut in our midst; this is to name but a few.

Based on the above examples one of the greatest dangers that can befall us when we find ourselves bedeviled with social problems is to lapse into self-pity. Self-pity is a poor me syndrome that spawns inferiority complex in a person leading to psychological torture and commission of death if not checked by a psychiatrist.

The path along which evil of self-pity travels takes this form :- a thought comes and is indulged, indulging a thought quickly leads to inclination, inclination leads to appetite, appetite leads to hunger, hunger leads to craving and craving ultimately leads to that dark evil.

Far forward; to paraphrase the author of a book ‘Consumed by Call’ – one, Ron Luce, - “the decisions you make today are the building blocks for your future, make them wisely”.