Google just fixed most frustrating thing about connecting to WiFi on your smartphone


It's one of life's great first world problems.

You go round to a friend's house and ask to connect to their WiFi network, and they hand you a slip of paper with a 35-character password consisting of an incomprehensible combination of numbers.

After 10 minutes trying to distinguish the Os from the zeros and type the password without making any mistakes, you resign yourself to another evening of eating into your data allowance.

Now Google has come up with a brilliant solution.

The company has announced a new feature called Google Lens, which uses image recognition and your smartphone's camera to give you information about whatever you're looking at.

During a keynote presentation at the Google I/O developer conference, the company's chief executive Sundar Pichai showed how you can point your smartphone's camera at the label on the back of a WiFi router, and Google Lens will "read" the password and connect automatically.

Of course, Google Lens has a bunch of other functions, like being able to identify any species of flower your point your phone at, or bringing up information on a band from an image of their poster.

But frankly, it had us with the ability to connect to a WiFi network without having to type a single character.

Google Lens will be rolling out to Android devices across the coming months as part of an update to Google Assistant.