Think ahead on Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) in devolved Kenya

By The Standard | Oct 25, 2016

The role of the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) in the devolved system of governance cannot be over-emphasised. The formula for sharing revenue between the national and county governments is determined by CRA.

Among county governments themselves, CRA also determines the formula for sharing that takes into account the population of each county.
The term of office for the current commissioners comes to an end in December this year.

So far, there has been no effort to set in motion mechanisms to ensure there is no vacuum in the office. It speaks a lot for the current commissioners that, having taken cognisance of the heavy burden their office carries, they have written to the Speakers of the National Assembly and the Senate to start the process of replacing them.

Leadership abhors a vacuum; hence Parliament should have taken steps early enough to begin the replacement process to avoid last-minute rush that define our Parliament. It has become routine for Parliament to procrastinate until the last possible moment before acting.

The danger in this is that important aspects are normally overlooked.The two houses of Parliament must therefore act with speed to avoid a rush and ensure counties don’t miss out on their allocations.

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