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Members of the publics mill around the wreckage of a matatu that rolled at Nyachido bridge on Kisian-Bondo road. [Michael Mute, Standard]
3,358 people died on Kenyan roads between January 1 and September 13, 2022, the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has said.
This is an increase of two hundred and thirty-six people (236) from the same period last year, representing a 7.6 per cent increase.
Pedestrians accounted for the highest number of road accident victims at 1,208 as of September 13, compared to 1,085 same time last year.
Nine hundred and three (903) motorcyclists have lost their lives on the road, an increase of 4.2 per cent same period in 2021, the Authority noted.
NTSA statistics also show that 591 passengers have died in road accidents this year as of September 13, compared to four hundred and ninety-eight same time last year.
This represents an 18.7 per cent increase.
The number of pedal cyclists' deaths has reduced by 27.9 per cent. Data from the NTSA shows that 44 bike cyclists have died in road accidents this year, compared to 66 same time last year.
The Transport Authority revealed the statistics during a road safety training session dubbed the Tujenge Msingi Program on Saturday, September 17 in Nairobi.
The training was conducted by Watu Africa in conjunction with St Johns Ambulance and NTSA.