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Ruto, do you know that Nato, murdered Muammar Gaddafi so that Libyan oil-fields which Gaddafi had nationalised, would revert to the West? Gaddafi was once the chairman of the African Union of which Kenya was a founding member.
But this other picture was no less disturbing. While you were inside the White House, Haitians were in the streets demonstrating, calling you a slave. Do you know the history of Haiti? Please read The Black Jacobins, the book written by a once Jomo Kenyatta Pan-African ally, CLR James.
Haiti, now a Black people's State, used to be a slave colony of France. But led by Toussaint Louverture, Haiti, the richest colony of its time, fought French slavery and in 1804 it seized its independence. In USA slavery was then in full bloom. America did not want its African slaves to emulate Haiti, and it has never forgiven Haiti for that, and thus begun the story of America's destabilisation of Haiti.
Ruto do you see the irony of your actions? The USA, was originally a settler colony taking over the land that belonged to Native Americans. In 1776, the White settlers declared their independence from their English King. But the colonised native Americans remained colonised. Kenya was equally a British settler colony.
The white settlers wanted to have a similar kind of independence. But the Mau Mau led by Dedan Kimathi stopped them. Years later, Algeria, Rhodesia and South Africa would follow the example of Kenya. Thus the country you now lead, was the first to stop the historical trend of white settlers claiming themselves independent as in America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
Ruto, you have chosen to betray that history of Pride.
Ruto, you have chosen to become an agent of the West?
Ruto, you have chosen to sell your country cheap.
Why, oh, Why?
Prof Ngugi is a Kenyan author and academic based in the USA.