Maintaining good personal health helps keep diseases at bay (Photo: Shutterstock)

It’s International Men’s Day and this year’s theme is better health for men and boys. I don’t know about you, but every time I tell a guy about taking better care of himself, I’m met with the ‘losing gangsta points’ comment. This always makes me roll my eyes because I don’t see what “being a man” as per society’s requirements, has to do with maintaining good personal health.

In honour of the men in our lives, here are some health tips for the guys.

1. Eat healthy foods

I know several men who find every excuse not to eat vegetables. However, fruits and vegetables form a part of a healthy diet. This goes hand in hand with eating lean proteins and less sugar and refined foods. In the same vein, portion control and drinking more water plays a big role in maintaining a healthy diet.

2. Get in some exercise

Everybody needs to do a little exercise every week. Increase your heart rate, burn some calories and strengthen your muscles by working out at home or in a gym. If you’re wondering where to start, how about with routines you enjoy. Set yourself a goal and if you can seek the help of a professional trainer to help you reach your goals.

Other activities such as cleaning your house or yard, going for walks and a little bedroom activity also help to release endorphins and get your heart rate up.

3. Drink less alcohol

Too much alcohol puts you at risk of high blood pressure, liver disease and also affects your psychological and emotional health. Make an effort to reduce the amount of alcohol that you consume, and opt for drinks that have lower alcohol content. 

 Exercise helps increase your heart rate, burn some calories and strengthen your muscles (Photo: Shutterstock)

4. Get enough sleep 

Everybody needs at least seven hours of sleep. When you get enough sleep, your body and mind have a chance to heal and recover from the toil of the day. You’ll also reduce chances of depression, obesity and diabetes not to mention that a good night’s rest leaves you feeling energized. Have a sleep schedule. Even if you have to wake up early to go to work, ensure that you go to bed early enough so that you get the recommended amount of sleep.

5. Go for regular checkups

Going to see the doctor is not a sign of weakness. So if you’re feeling unwell, make an appointment with the doctor and get treatment in good time. Now that we have that out of the way, a yearly checkup will help your doctor notice any problems and treat them early enough.

6. Avoid smoking

Smoking cigarettes can lead to lung cancer, stroke and heart disease. If you’re trying to stop smoking, speak to your doctor on the best option for you. 

7. Take a break

It’s so important to unplug and take a break. You will notice a big difference in your physical and mental health and your relationships as well. Make use of your days off work to rest. Reduce screen time by having a time limit for using your phone and having a day off social media. Use this time to spend time with family and friends and exercise instead.