When was the last time you performed a deep squat? Try doing one now, with your heels flat on the floor!

For most adults, this squat position will be uncomfortable, if not impossible, without raising your heels off the ground. Young children, on the other hand, perform this movement naturally and with ease.

Modern practices of sitting constantly are almost entirely to blame for the loss of the ability to perform a deep squat. The introduction of western toilets completely eliminated the need to deep squat.

Many people also view this type of squatting as undignified, particularly in the middle and upper classes, and perform it less and less as they get older, eventually losing the ankle, knee and hip flexibility to do it.

The deep squat, however, is important for a number of reasons:

Increased ankle mobility: wearing shoes, particularly those with a higher heel, shorten your calf and Achilles muscles, stiffening your ankles which can eventually cause knee pain. Improved digestive health: Squat toilets help your colon straighten so your bowels empty completely but modern toilets prevent this. Deep squatting trains your bowel muscles to function properly. Back pain relief: Deep squats stretch and elongate the muscles of the lower back which can provide relief from lower back pain.

Stronger hips and glutes: Deep squats fully engage your hip and bum muscles, strengthening them, which helps prevent injury and reduce pain.

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