The best parenting model for families

By Dickens Akivaga | Mar 04, 2017
Parents are the people who should impose Career, moral, and the ethical guidance to their children so that they develop well in life.

This is not the case as very many issues are arising in the society such as early pregnancies, child abortions and teenagers getting themselves into birth control methods.

 Drug menace, running away from school, burning of schools, is a manifestation that parenting has failed.

This clearly shows that the parents are afraid of breaking the silence and holding conversations with their children about their lives and development.

 Important topical issues are taken as a taboo to be discussed out in the open during parent to child conversations.

Traditionally there were people who were involved in issuing moral guidance to children such as uncles and aunties.

That was in the past but as per now cases, betrayal with such relatives are on the rise. The have been so many rape cases that have been witnessed during such circumstances and thus the trust fades away for the nuclear family to give advice to the children.

Now we are in an era of dysfunctional families where the children get information from the internet because of the fast growing technology, an era where friends are seen to be the best advisors to handle important issues.

Topics about sex are not introduced earlier and now the teens have problems while tackling these issues on their own.

Right now children have the information being made available in their finger tips and the belief, parents have that the child doesn’t know anything is wrong because the facts are available and the child is waiting for such vital information to be addressed so that they know how to handle themselves when such issues come.

It is the responsibility of the parent to try and bond with the children so that they gain their trust through seduction.

This would get the child to open up and be friends with each other. I personally think that the career personality should not be involved in the conversation between parent-child, the pastor, police, teacher career should not be brought out during the sessions parents hold with their children to advise them about life.

 The parent should get the parental get the child to view that parental aspect in him or her.

Proper information depending on what can be consumed at a proper age to satisfy the curiosity of the child should be given to the child.

The way the information and facts are is the way to go rather than the teens searching for this information elsewhere eg from friends and the internet.

This provides a platform where the child may ask questions about issues such as sex and gender.

 Old tricks such as a newborn baby was bought from the supermarket is out-dated because the children are exposed to television programmes which ironically their parents pay for.

I wonder how parents find it easy to watch programmes with adult content alongside their children and after the curiosity of the child is opened to get knowledge of what is happening they find it difficult to explain what the content means to their children.

Sometimes children raise concerns about sex and such question just tickles the mind of the parent that the child would wish to engage in such practices not bearing in mind that sex is a broader topic than just being intimate.

 Other parents do not act as role models to their children just forgetting that as psychologists say, Children emulate parents and the character and behaviour of the child is 65% character of the parent.

Children tend to learn very fast from what their parents do because half of their lifetime they spend with their parents.

Some parents may be involved in alcohol addiction and later on, expect that their children come out as better people without that moral guidance.

If such topics are raised up and have a responsible society so that one knows how to operate with each other. Fear is something that has taken root in child and parent relationship, fear of the picture you would paint out to your parents and vice versa.

Parents only bring in the negative consequences of the actions so as to scare the child and divert them from that direction which is actually not the best approach.

I think all parents of this age should pass on the right information because when only cautioning is done it encourages the child to try and test the negativity of the actions as per the human mind which always want to explore different ways of living and the issue of self-discovery comes into play.

Parents need to prepare children for the changes that will happen in their lives so that it opens avenues for the question and answer session and thus breaks the silence.
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